The American School of Bombay's Flash Theatre is a student directed, performed and produced event. This year, a company of 27 students will tackle Eugene Ionesco’s Rhinoceros, which has been selected and directed by Grade 12 Theatre students. Typical of Absurdist plays, Rhinoceros’ examination of the futility, pointlessness and absurdity of society, first produced in 1960, is both horribly and hilariously contemporary in its articulation of ‘the process of collective transformation’. Ionesco states that:
‘the petty bourgeois is simply the man of slogans, no longer thinking for himself, but repeating ready-made truths … ‘
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You may read the play here.
Where: ASB Black Box Mumbai, India.
When: 5th, 6th, and 7th September
Time: 6pm
Cost: (INR 500) Call, Cecilia Fernando 22 - 6772 7261 or email