Mumbai based theatre training body Drama School Mumbai and Embodied Poetics ( Embodied Poetics is an intensive devised physical theatre pedagogy based on the Lecoq Pedagogy: two annual cycles of training, 13-15 weeks, in London ) are delighted to announce their collaboration for the second series of Unrehearsed Futures conversations.
The series started on October 1 and would go on to continue throughout October. For eleven sessions Unrehearsed futures would bring leading pedagogues and trainers from five continents ( USA, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia .)
The discussion would revolve around the future of drama training in the times of COVID-19. Many performance spaces have closed and reluctantly doing digital streams; even fewer barely surviving on audience donations. Like, The National Theatre was streaming plays every Thursday on their Youtube channel. They also committed to paying the actors and the team whose works were being streamed.
Not other theatres have managed to replicate that.
The discussion aims to deepen the dialogue on themes and trends that have emerged from March 2020 till now. Perhaps look for a possible way of action.
The talk series is called: Response-ability: Theatre Pedagogy in Changing Times.
It will be curated by Amy Russell, Founder & Director,Embodied Poetics.
Amy will also be moderating the talks of other speakers.
The October schedule:
Transing the Canon with Lazlo Pearlman from Northumbria University on October 8
Thursday | 5:00 pm India, 12:30 pm UK Time, 9:30 pm AEST, 7:30 am New York (EDT) Pre-registration Needed. Registeration Link:
Interdisciplinary Resilience (1): Jacques Lecoq's LEM with Mark Evans | Coventry University and Aurelian Koch | Embodied Poetics on October 15
Interdisciplinary Resilience (2): Schools of the Arts with Meg Keating | the University of Tasmania on October 22
About the Speakers
Lazlo Pearlman, Senior Lecturer, Northumbria University MA (Theatre) | Naropa University, Ph.D | Central School of Speech and Drama Lazlo is a creator, performer, director, lecturer ,and teacher whose work is often but not always generated by his FTM transgendered experience. He has taught his workshops and given lectures in the US, Canada, France, Italy, Germany ,and the United Kingdom.
Amy Russell, Founder and Director, Embodied Poetics
Amy is an experienced teacher in the pedagogy of Jacques Copeau/Suzanne Bing/Jacques Lecoq and an award-winning playwright. She was a pedagogic student of M. Lecoq in 1997-98, and subsequently created a complete training based on this pedagogy under the auspices of Naropa University, the Naropa MFA in Actor Created Physical Theatre, and was Chair of MFA until 2010. She was a Pedagogic Co-Founder of the London International School of Performing Arts (LISPA) in 2003, and lead teacher at this school in London and Berlin until 2017.